The secret to choosing the best tech SaaS in 2022

The secret to choosing the best tech SaaS in 2021

The secret to choosing the best tech stack SaaS in 2021 is largely dependent on how much information you have.

Information is key to making the right choice. Choosing an ideal tech SaaS can sometimes be very demanding and requires attention.

As an entrepreneur, CEO, or IT leader, this will determine the success of your application. Choosing the best tech stack for SaaS in 2021 can be time demanding and costly.

You can have the best marketing and sales team, but if your SaaS tech stack doesn’t continuously transform, scale, and evolve, you have ended your application project without even beginning.

Looking at the SaaS community and questions asked, they usually border on the costs, maintenance, how to startup, and the options of stack apps available.

This post answers all your questions on how to choose the best tech SaaS stack. So grab a pen and paper and make notes.

Table of Content

  1. What is SaaS
  2. What is a Tech Stack
  3. Components of a Tech Stack
  4. Why Your Tech Stack is Important
  5. How to Choose the Best SaaS Tech Stack
  6. What to Consider When Choosing the Right Tech Stack for SaaS Development in 2021
  7. How to Avoid Mistakes When Choosing a Tech Stack in 2021
  8. What are the Available Tech Stack for SaaS applications in 2021?
  9. Conclusion

What is SaaS?

You might be wondering what SaaS is, but don’t worry, as it will be explained to you. Saas is simply Software as a Service where software is licensed on a subscription basis. This means that you get licensed to use it when you subscribe. SaaS is also widely known as on-demand software and web-based software.

What is a Tech Stack? 

A tech stack comprises a combination of programming languages mixed with development tools, frameworks, libraries, and software used in developing a web or mobile application. 

This is an essential element along your journey in creating and developing an app.  A tech stack has two sides, commonly known as the front end and back end. 

The front end is also known as the “client-side of the application,” is everything the user can see and interact with within the screen. This is the app’s format and design. 

The frontend technologies are a mixture of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and UI frameworks and libraries.

On the other hand, the back end, also known as the server-side, is invisible to the users and requires frameworks, programming languages, operating systems, and servers. 

Do you need a hand to choose your tech stack?

At Innuy, we have plenty of experience developing SaaS applications, and we can help you make a smart decision. Feel free to drop us a line to receive a relevant consultation.

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Components of a Tech Stack

A tech stack is divided into two major categories. There is the front-end side and the back-end side to it. In this section, you will understand what is involved in the front and back-end sides of a tech stack.


The front-end is the part your users and clients can see and interact with. The front-end tech stack for developers comprises HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Below are what they are and what they do.


HTML means hypertext markup language. This is what shows and breaks down how the information will be displayed on a web browser. 

Developers use this language technology to finalize how to structure content on a web page.

Currently, the latest version is HTML5, and it is the best option in the market. You might be wondering what the main difference between HTML5 and the previous versions is.

The difference is the availability of video and audio support, and most importantly, it simplifies the process of creating web applications.


Most web pages we visit are interactive, and this is the work of JavaScript. It increases the user interactions within the web page application.

JavaScript is the programming language that enables developers to add interactive elements to a web page.

Using JavaScript, you can create different animations that improve the web content and user interactiveness on your web pages. 

JavaScript’s extensive role also expands to databases and servers. Without JavaScript, users cannot engage with the application.


CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and they determine what HTML pages should appear like on a screen.

CSS works hand-in-hand with HTML to bring out the best viewing result on a screen. It styles the HTML written document into a more desirable state for your users to interact with.

The CSS integration simply formats the document and gives it a great look and feel. The latest version of CSS is CSS 3, and it offers increased functionality.

An example of this is the opportunity it gives engineers to create a responsive design. It is also easier to use than the older versions.

Responsive designs are important because it determines how an application is viewed on different devices.

As developers evolve, they have created multiple tools that offer quick solutions for reducing manual work in building the front-end. 

The use of frameworks has made it easier to quickly take care of the page design, structure, and multiple interactive elements within a SaaS application.

An exemplary tool that has a quick solution for front-end development is Bootstrap. This is a popular HTML framework that reduces workload in manifolds. You can also check this out and see if it’s suitable for you.


This is the part that comprises everything that keeps the web application running smoothly but cannot be seen by your clients. Without the back-end, the application will not be functional. 

The mechanisms involved in the back-end are building the business logic, creating databases to store the data, using servers to host the application.

As you can see, without the back-end, your application won’t function. The back-end is made up of four components- the server, app server, database, and the CDN.


A server provides the platform where developers can write code. It facilitates communication between a user and the application.

The server architecture is designed in a way to provide a safe environment for integrating and developing applications. 

The server receives requests from the user, understands them, processes them, and then finally brings forth the desired results on the web page. Server architectures come in different forms. 

Some architectures are designed in a manner where an entire environment is placed on one server, while others have a server separate from the entire architecture.

The two most common servers are Apache and Nginx. However, most SaaS-based companies prefer to use cloud-based servers such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud Platform Services, which allows them to work remotely.

Servers are picked based on functionality, scalability, and costs.

App Server

The app server is responsible for feedback. It receives requests and sends back corresponsive responses. This is a technology that collects information from various databases around the world. 

It is important that you use versatile languages while writing your app server as there is a broad range of languages it can be written in. 

The reason why you are advised to use a versatile language is so that your developers can adapt to it, especially when you hire new ones.

Node.js is a good versatile language for app servers to be written in. It is a JavaScript extension and provides multiple solutions in a development cycle.


Your SaaS application requires a database to store its data and keep it organized and updated. 

A database is a collection of information stored in an organized format for easy access. Databases come in different types, and your selection depends largely on the industry of the client. 

Databases are divided into two main groups, namely Sequence and non-sequence databases. Your choice depends on what your app requires.

A sequence database is also known as a relational database, and it uses a template that determines how data is stored and which format to be used. The data is stored in tables and rows. Examples are PostgreSQL and MySQL.

PostgreSQL is used majorly in web applications revolving around the financial sector as it allows fast processing of large amounts of data.

MySQL, on the other hand, is easily scalable and highly functional and is used in applications like banking apps.

Below are a few other good databases with their advantages and disadvantages.

Amazon DynamoDB: this is an open-source database, and it doesn’t use SQL. Some of the key benefits of adopting Amazon DynamoDB in your tech stack are:

  • It has high performance 
  • Easier to scale than other traditional databases
  • Ease of management
  • A simplified way of structuring your data like documents or a few tables carrying a lot of information.

On the other hand, here are some instances when it is not advisable to use DynamoDB:

  • When the data to be stored is more than 400KB. Amazon DynamoDB can not store data files of more than 400KB.
  • Amazon DynamoDB can not be used in entity relationships across different data tables.
  • The OLAP process will be challenging to run on DynamoDB.

Amazon RDS with PostgreSQL:  is an open-source database that uses SQL.  The major advantages of using Amazon RDS with Postgresql are:

  • It is highly scalable
  • Data can easily be transacted at high speeds within the database
  • The data is highly distributed within the database. 

Content Delivery Network

Content Delivery Network or content distribution network, also known as CDN, makes your website or app load faster. It does this by caching content on the edge node. 

A CDN is a bunch of proxy servers and their data centers geographically distributed. It incorporates distributed databases into a tech stack.

The goal of any CDN is to provide good availability and performance to a SaaS tech stack. Some of the advantages of using a CDN are:

  • Decreased Loading Time
  • Easy Traffic Management during peak hours
  • Secure Encryption
  • Evolved data transmission technologies 
  • Concrete insights about traffic
  • Agility 
  • Cost-effective
  • Greatly improves SEO 

While there are several CDN’s out there to choose from, here are some of the most common ones:

  • Cloudflare 
  • KeyCDN
  • Google Cloud CDN
  • Cache Fly
  • Amazon CloudFront
  • Rack space
  • Sucuri
  • StackPath

Interested in talking with a technical expert to solve any doubts?

Our team of back-end and front-end professionals can give you a relevant consultation to help you make the right choice.

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Why Your Tech Stack is Important

There is a saying that when the value of something is unknown, less attention is given to it. That’s why in this section, we will guide you on the importance of tech stacks. 

With the explanations above, we have understood what a tech stack is. You might be wondering, “why is tech stack important for building an app?”

A tech stack is important because it will determine your application’s functionality, viability, and scalability. 

This is why you need to make the right decision about the best tech stack for your company based on her needs.

Choosing the right tech stack is important before starting your project. This is because once you choose a particular one and start, it is quite difficult to make changes along the way.

To make new changes to an already chosen tech stack along the way will require extra amounts of money and time.

This is why you need to understand the importance of choosing the right tech stack and take it seriously.

How to Choose the Best SaaS Tech Stack 

The tech stack you choose always has an impact on your future development costs. This is why it is essential for you to use a structured framework in order to promote productivity and reduce errors.

The technology stack you use depends on a couple of factors. Below are some of the most important factors to consider before choosing the best tech stack for SaaS applications in 2021.

Project Size

Project size plays a major role in determining which tech stack you choose. Project sizes are normally divided into three groups:

Small-sized projects: these are simply small-sized projects such as blogs and presentations. A single framework is enough to get such projects running.

Middle-sized projects: these projects tend to require a multilayered framework and web applications that are interactively combined together to bring out great results.

Examples of middle-sized projects are online stores and banking applications. Large-sized projects: these projects are highly interactive and require a lot of components to make them function effectively.

Large-sized projects require different frameworks, coding languages, and advanced software tools. These projects need a high level of security. Examples are online marketplaces and social media.


For you to see an increase in your business, it must be scalable. You must adopt and use a tech stack that allows your company to add changes as your business grows.

The new-age technology is very dynamic and always evolving at fast rates. Therefore, you need to use scalable tools.

You want to make sure that your tech stack can integrate with other software in the market. It is impossible for you to have good business growth without an application that is scalable. 

Every company is keen on making sure that a wide range of audiences can use their SaaS product, and this can only be done by using scalable tools.

Scalability has two aspects, the vertical and horizontal sides. The vertical scalability has to do with adding new tasks and often complicated ones, while horizontal scalability deals with growth within the application.

Some platforms that offer great scalability are JavaScript React, AWS, and Node.js. 


Large and Interactive applications require a high level of security since there are a lot of users involved.

The reason for the high level of security is so that the users can feel safe while using the applications for shopping or financial reasons. 

Some common security approaches include authorization algorithms, frequent backups, using trustworthy servers, and limited periods of access to data.

All these security approaches are put in place to make sure that users’ data is not stolen or misused.

Cost of Maintenance

Maintenance is essential in running an application. Two major factors that affect the cost of maintenance are the coding language and architecture.

These two areas can largely determine how much you spend on maintenance. You can reduce maintenance costs by using open-source software.

Maintenance can also be made much easier when you use a scalable architecture. Most companies use open-source software because it gives room for re-use and improves consistency.

The skill level of your team

The skill level of your developers’ team will also have an effect on the tech stack that you use. If you have an advanced team, they can approach and solve difficult coding problems, but vice versa if you have a team of beginner developers.

You should choose a tech stack that works in favor of the skill level of the developers within your team.

Having an advanced team also reduces the time spent on a project but not the same if your team of developers is still beginners.

Go to Market

The time to market your SaaS product is one of the most important aspects while developing your product.

The business world in our modern-day is very competitive and whoever launches their product early gathers the highest clients and customers.

A great way to save time and minimize costs is to use a completely ready-made product. This will reduce the time you spend before you can launch a fully functional application. 

To choose a complete ready-made product means that you must find one similar to the product you are developing. This way, you won’t have to write the codes of the application from scratch.

Another important area to keep in mind while launching your SaaS product into the market is customer satisfaction. This is essential because it keeps your product relevant in the market.

That is why you are advised to use a ready-made product fitted with what you have in mind at launch to get customer feedback.  This will help you understand the shortcomings of your product and the actual needs of your customers.

Long term Product support

While building your SaaS startup, you have built it in a manner that it thrives and stays for a long run in the market.

Take into consideration to wipe out all that will make your product dysfunctional in the long run because you cannot see the future, but you can plan towards it.

Tips to Consider When Choosing the Right Tech Stack for SaaS Development in 2021

Most SaaS apps owe their success to their simplicity. However, there is more to a successful SaaS deployment than simplicity. 

Let’s take a look at some tips to have at the back of your mind when choosing the right tech stack for your SaaS app:

  • Have your product’s requirements in mind when building a tech stack. For example, the tech stack used in building a gaming app will not be the same for a video streaming app.
  • Know the size of the software language and the platforms it would contain. This requires a good thought process and research as you have to see the finished product from the beginning. 
  • Understand the programming language that best suits the goal of the project you have in mind and the ease of learning and using it. For example, programming languages, like Python, are easier to learn than other programming languages. 
  • The vision for your app determines the selection of your tech stack. For example, small projects need fewer tools and programming than big projects.
  • Know the skills needed from any developer you are hiring to develop your tech stack. Don’t mix two developers to do the same task as it can be detrimental. The ease in hiring developers who can match your SaaS tech stack is crucial.
  • Test and run your application in the subdomain. Know how it works. 
  • Have in mind the Future and Long-Term support you intend to offer to your users.
  • Your SaaS tech stack approach should allow you to simplify development, reduce maintenance and optimize costs.

How to Avoid Mistakes When Choosing a Tech Stack in 2021

Creating applications can be time-consuming, and there are chances that mistakes can be made.

Such mistakes can lead to increased costs, poor functionality, and delays in launching your app. In this section, you will be shown some ways to help you get optimum results.

Set a Clear Goal

As you think about your project at hand, it is essential for you to set a clear goal as this will be your guiding compass along the journey.  Having a clear idea helps you to know how much you are willing to spend. 

Being uncertain will only lead you to more complications in your product development cycle. Always make sure that your development team knows all the specifications about the project along the way.

Plan Ahead 

The process of developing a web application can be long and ongoing. Don’t only focus on your current needs but also channel your mind to the future, understanding that your goals may change or expand over time.

Doing this will help you plan and be prepared for the future. Using a scalable framework and tools will greatly aid you as you plan ahead and also help you identify business risks early on.

Use a Ready-Made Solution

Creating everything from scratch means you will spend more money and time, but if you use a ready-made solution, you can cut down the time and money you spend.

Ready-made solutions have most of the futures you need. While picking a ready-made solution, go for the one that is similar to the app you have in mind.

Use Cloud-based Servers 

Using cloud-based servers can save you time and allows your team to work concurrently without much difficulty. Cloud-based servers offer different pricing options, so go for the one that is compatible with your budget.

The beauty of a cloud-based server pricing plan is that you only pay for the services you use. This is also favorable for startups as they won’t incur any unnecessary expenses.

Are you looking for a team to help you with your SaaS project?

We can help you. Don’t hesitate to drop us a line and schedule a consultation.

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What are the Available Tech Stacks for SaaS applications in 2021?

After getting all this information about tech stacks and how to choose them, you might be wondering which ones are available on the market. In this section, we have prepared a list of some of the best tech stacks for you.

Django Stack

Django is a high-level Python-based web framework that has a clean and pragmatic design and encourages rapid development. 

The major advantage of this framework is that it greatly speeds up the framework process and reduces the time spent in executing processes.

It has an admin panel and an ORM (Object-relational mapping) layer. Django stack also makes use of Apache and the Linux operating system.

Ruby Stack

Ruby stack can be used for all types of web applications. It uses MySQL, Apache, Ruby on Rails, PHP, and Ruby. It provides a complete and ready-to-run development environment for Ruby on Rails.


Choosing the right technology stack is dependent on how effective your application will be. When picking one, stick to your budget and the needs of your product.

You should pick the right technology based on your teammate’s expertise. The right tech stack will give you room to make upgrades and promote your business if there is a need in the future.

Using a ready-made solution and cloud-based technology will reduce your costs and increase your development speed. While picking your tech stack, make sure it is scalable and can grow with your business.

It’s paramount that you know the maintenance coats as well. Always make sure you have a clear goal before kicking off your project.

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