Types of Software Development Methodologies and Their Pros and Cons

Types of Sofware Development Methodologies

Types of Software Development Methodologies and Their Pros and Cons

Software development methodologies have been around since the 1950s. And it’s ever-evolving with better innovations and approaches. 

Each decade finds different software development methodologies that developers use to solve their problems. 

One of the fundamental priorities of software development managers is to bring more structure to the workflow. And having the right methodologies contribute more on that front, giving the workflow an integrated and structured outlook. 

However, your project requirement will largely influence your choice of software methodologies. 

Other determining factors are your team’s size and goals. 

This article defines what software development methodologies are, the different types that exist, and their processes. If you’re a software manager, a thorough read should help you choose the best for your projects. 

Table Of Content

  1. What Are Software Development Methodologies?
  2. How To Choose A Software Development Methodology
  3. Different Types of Software Development Methodologies
  1. Agile
  2. Lean
  3. DevOps
  4. Waterfall
  5. Dynamic System
  6. Extreme Programming
  7. Scrum
  8. Spiral Software Methodology
  1.   Conclusion

What Are Software Development Methodologies?

A software development methodology is a group of processes used in the development of software. 

They are some sort of codified communication that lets you set specific norms concerning how the information will be passed amongst a group of people.

These define the phases in the lifecycle of the whole software. That being said, we can say that these methodologies are software-building processes that carry their inherent philosophies.

For this reason, there are lots of different software development methodologies that software managers have at their disposal. Each of these methodologies has its processes, customs, and specific rules used to build software.

As a software development personnel, you may find it hard to pick the right methodology for your project. As such, we’ll be discussing how you can choose the befitting software development methodologies for your projects.

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How To Choose A Software Development Methodology

Choosing a methodology can be difficult when considering the nature of the project and its priority in the organization.

There are several important and decisive factors to consider before choosing from the different software development methodologies, and they include:

#1. What Are The Requirements For The Project?

The project requirements are one of the first factors to consider when choosing from the different software development methodologies. Every project should have its unique underlying requirements. 

These requirements should be satisfied before the project makes it to the implementation stage. After which, comparisons can be made between the requirements for the project and what the business or organization already has in place.

This will help the project’s leads make informed decisions when choosing any of the different software development methodologies available. 

This factor is crucial to the project, given the need for favorable results with whatever time and resources expended. The best and suitable methodologies should have time and resources.

#2. What End Products or Solutions Are Expected at the End of the Project?

When you begin your software development, you should consider the final outlook and keep it in mind. There’s a need to picture the solutions that your project should give to the problems you hope to solve. So any expected end products or solutions you envision should act as the goals of that project. 

#3. Feedback

Feedback given on the work done is every bit important in deciding which of the methodologies to choose. In order to recreate/formulate outcomes for future projects, feedback should be made an integral aspect of choosing development methodology.

Not knowing how you came about past results will make it increasingly difficult to replicate such results. The amount of feedback required from some methodologies differs. 

While some require less feedback than others, other software methodologies will require more feedback. It all depends on the relative size of the project, its applications, and complexity. Besides, in choosing a type of methodology, make sure to evaluate the ability of your team to provide feedback.

#4. What Are The Costs Of Delay?

There are no guarantees that unforeseen delays won’t spring up at any time of a software development lifecycle. This is why it is important to evaluate the costs of delay that may become problematic.

A suitable methodology should have a minimal cost of delay. Because timelines are flexible, this cost should not in any way be a burden on the project.

If the cost of delay is not ascertained, organizations run the risk of encountering problems should they require additional time and funding than they have.

#5. Software Development Team’s Past Experience With The Chosen Methodology

What is the experience of the project team with the potential software development methodologies? Knowing this information is a crucial aspect of choosing a methodology that must be considered.

Your software development team’s level of experience should suffice when picking from the types of methodologies for your project. The team dynamics and capabilities should be kept in mind when choosing software methodologies. 

This is because some members may have more experience working with a particular system than others. Respecting, understanding, and utilizing team dynamics is the key.

#6. Size Of The Project

Another factor to consider is the size of the project that requires a software development methodology. Methodologies like waterfall cater to much smaller projects.

Besides, the size of the project has an impact on the length of testing time required. Some other applications may require lengthened testing time owing to their requirements and size.

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Different Types Of Software Development Methodologies

Software development methodologies involve the division of tasks into different stages. This makes it easier to delegate the working process among the workers. 

If you need to add more structure to the workflow of your software development, then you should look to picking a suitable methodology. Different methodologies exist and are utilized in development processes.

Choosing suitable software methodologies may depend on the goals and size of the development team, amongst other factors. Here are some of the widely used methodologies and their pros and cons.

#1. Agile Software Development Methodology

The agile software development methodology is one of those that are recognized as a traditional programming model. As such, it is not just a methodology but fundamentally, it is a set of principles..

Agile software development methodology applies continuous iteration to testing and development all through the lifecycle of the project. Agile-based projects require testers and developers alike to work in parallel.

All the team members and participants work on every aspect of an agile-based project together, contributing to the whole project. The fear of unexpected changes in the workflow is more or less nonexistent. 

Whether project owners, testers, developers, or tech leaders, project collaborators are receptive to useful modifications. This is practicable because it translates to more knowledge of customer demands and insight into product improvements. 


  • Agile software development methodologies allow large teams to cooperate effectively and remain transparent.
  • It helps find and fix defects, thus enhancing efficiency, which breeds better software quality and quickened software delivery.
  • There’s a reduction in major defects that helps eliminate overtime. Products are delivered on time.


  • The processes can be difficult to predict
  • Unskilled, inexperienced, or junior developers will find it hard to use
  • Absence of documentation efficiency 
  • A high chance of going off-track because of frequent changes in the project
  • The need for constant interaction between project collaborators makes it overwhelming and time-consuming 

#2. Lean

Lean software development methodologies are another type of software methodology. It is inspired by the Toyota Production System’s lean manufacturing practices.

This system prioritized the removal of all activities that made no contributions towards the functionality of every Toyota car. Such a measure ensured there was less time spent on irrelevant procedures.

Amongst other types of methodologies, lean focuses on easily changeable software. The objective is to develop software in much less time, with less workflow and a strict budget.

It helped the auto giants to solidify their position as the fastest car makers at assembling cars, twice more than any competitor in the US. For software development methodologies, the lean system birthed seven useful principles. 

These principles include: eliminating waste, amplifying learning, deciding as late as possible, delivering as fast as possible, empowering the team, seeing the whole, and building quality in.


  • Eliminating waste quickens the process of software development and cuts costs.
  • High-grade products are delivered on time, leading to a satisfied customer base.
  • Getting the team involved in the decision-making process results in better decision-making and higher motivation.
  • It gives more functionality in a short period, ensuring more projects are completed.


  • The project’s success is largely dependent on the software development team’s working capacity. It is team-dependent.
  • It requires detailed and proper documentation to avoid underdeveloped or incorrectly developed development processes.
  • Too much flexibility may bring about a loss of focus.

#3. DevOps Development Model

DevOps development model is one of the common types of software development methodologies. It is a method that fosters tight integration and better collaboration while automating the process between IT teams and software development endeavors.

This methodology combines tools, practices, and philosophies. All of these enhance a company’s ability to deliver services and applications at an increased rate.

Original writers of the DevOps model’s code had no collaborations with the deployers of the code. The operations professionals and developers worked with different objectives and worked from different floors or buildings.

However, in recent times, DevOps is considered one of the brilliant types of methodologies because it fosters increased collaboration between teams. This allows the team to test the software quicker.


  • There’s less room for mistakes as teams work together to ensure speedy delivery and assurance on quality.
  • High-quality systems that DevOps methodology delivers faster helps enhance customer experience.
  • Deployment of new applications, processes, and systems can be done faster by companies or businesses.


  • Finding a skilled DevOps developer with active experience may be hard.
  • Lots of money and time are involved.
  • To integrate a different process, the company needs a skilled team and standardized processes.
  • Human interaction is required and could delay the delivery pipeline.

#4. Waterfall

Waterfall methodology is considered the opposite of the scrum methodology. It is a linear, and strict model means phases in the waterfall methodology’s development process start when the previous one is finished.

What this means is that every stage is fully complete before the next stage begins. The stages of this waterfall model from one stage to another and don’t allow for backtracking for modifications.

Waterfall methodologies are easy to understand. It is sometimes seen as the traditional software development method.


  • Waterfall methodology is suited to smaller software projects. The requirements of such projects can be determined in advance.
  • Understanding and managing it is easy.
  • It is suitable for less experienced managers and teams of software development personnel.


  • If you’re running a long-term or complex project, a waterfall model isn’t a good choice.
  • Editing in a waterfall methodology is not possible because one stage is concluded before another can start.
  • It lacks flexibility and proper risk handling features.

#5. Dynamic System

Dynamic system methodologies are another type of software development methodologies. The software is based on Rapid Application Development. 

The rapid application development methodology is an incremental and iterative approach that stresses uninterrupted user involvement. A major objective of the dynamic system is to deliver final software systems within budget and timely.

The dynamic system methodology functions on some crucial philosophies. There are no perfect developments in the first trial, and the development process is a truly dynamic and continuous one.


  • It provides much easier access by software developers to their end-users.
  • Approach projects in dynamic software development methodologies get delivered within a budget and on time too.
  • Users of the software are involved in the development.
  • There is detailed documentation in the dynamic systems


  • There’s a need for significant user involvement in the model, and lack of it can be a problem.
  • It involves the progressive development of requirements in the project.
  • It is expensive to implement
  • The dynamic system is not suitable for smaller companies
  • Being a new model makes a dynamic system uncommon and a little difficult to understand

#6. Extreme Programming

If your client is unsure of what his information system is expected to do as a software developer, extreme programming is the best pick. Extreme programming aims to lower the cost of software requirements.

It does this while boosting the product’s quality due to its ability to adjust to the ever-changing demands. Extreme programming is usually applied when making software in environments that are too unpredictable. 

Suppose you have a system whose functionality is given to changes every couple of months. The only constant is probably the dynamic changes applied to requirements.

For this reason, extreme programming is considered relatively successful when compared to other methodologies. With extreme programming software development methodologies, there is an intentional approach to raise the chances of success while cutting chances of risks.

If clients have a deadline for the delivery of the project, there is more risk, especially if they are not sure of the workings of the product. Developers using extreme programming work in pairs, and customers have the freedom to alter their requirements.

Frequent, consistent communication and feedback are vital for the actualization of an efficient team environment. Besides, the major goal is the reduction of the cost of software requirements but still promoting quality.


  • There is an emphasis on the need to involve the customer.
  • This methodology software development firms save time and money expended on projects.
  • Extreme programming is in line with what is obtainable from some modern software development methodologies. This helps software developers produce software of the highest quality.
  • Another valuable advantage of extreme programming is how it helps to set up rational plans. It assists software developers in staying committed to schedules. 


  • Extreme programming has been criticized for focusing more on the code rather than the design aspect.
  • Extreme programming requires lots of development changes, and adopting it may be hard for the software developer every time.
  • The absence of good defect documentation in extreme programming projects leads to bugs with similar features in the future.
  • It requires frequent meetings, which may not sit well with customers.

#7. Scrum

Scrum software methodologies are another type of software development methodologies available to software developers. This methodology can be applied to almost every kind of project. 

Companies with ever-emerging and changing requirements that can be easily followed using the scrum methodology. It starts with planning, meetings and finishes with a final review.

Businesses and companies looking to accelerate their software development will prefer this method. It allows a group of iterations at once.

Scrum methodologies are the ideal choice because of the ease they offer in bringing on track projects that are too slow in progressing.


  • With scrum methodology, it is easier to put out high-quality products at the scheduled and appointed time.
  • Constant feedback makes it easier to handle changes and cope with them.
  • The software development team handles all of the decision-making.
  • Scrum is best used for speedy forefront developments, rapid codes. Also, testing mistakes can be corrected seamlessly.
  • Scrum methodology allows projects with signs that contribute to the project’s success like it’s a business requirements documentation.
  • Individual productivity can easily be measured via daily meetings. The developer can use this to better the productivity of individual members of the team.


  • Scrum methodology is not suitable for large projects.
  • When working with scrum software development methodologies, only professionals will do. Inexperienced team members are rejected.
  • The costs required may be uncertain, and this can affect the project.

#8. Spiral Software Methodology

The spiral methodology focuses more on the reduction of risks to the project as well as early identification of the risks. With spiral software development methodologies, developers can begin on a small scale.

This helps them to explore the potential risks associated with the project in question. Developers could also devise plans to counter the risks and decide on the steps to take. More often, these steps involve the decision on the iteration of the spiral. 

Several factors contribute to how successful spiral software development methodologies will become. For one, it may well depend on a knowledgeable, attentive, careful, and reliable management of the software or project.


  • Spiral software methodologies are good for bigger projects and critical projects.
  • It is suitable for projects that bear high risk.
  • There’s the possibility of adding more functionality in the spiral methodology, though, at a much later date.
  • Features are incorporated systemically, while development within the model is fast.


  • Failure in the risk analysis stage may ruin the whole project. The success of the project depends on this risk analysis phase.
  • In terms of development, the Spiral software methodology is expensive to use.
  • This methodology is inappropriate for projects with low risk.
  • Because of its many intermediate phases, there’s more documentation involved.
  • There’s the danger of the spiral software method continuing indefinitely without an end.
  • Still not sure which one to pick?

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Software development methodologies are crucial parts of the whole development process. Lots of effort goes into the process, including the actual writing of the code, preparing objectives and requirements, and making sure company goals are met.

Different methodologies serve their purposes to the software developers that pick them. Writing codes and assembling them in a working form needs both organization and discipline.

Before choosing a type of software development methodology, one of the most crucial steps should be in ascertaining the requirements for the project. However, whatever type of methodology you go with, the tips and factors in this article should guide you.

One response to “Types of Software Development Methodologies and Their Pros and Cons”

  1. Kate says:

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