What Are The Pros Of React JS

Pros of React JS

What Are The Pros of React JS?

Dynamism and speed are just some of the key features that draw experienced developers to the JavaScript ecosystem. Besides, the fact that new, unique, and exciting libraries, tools, and frameworks, spring up consistently makes it a delight, giving users a variety to choose from and use.

A not-so-recent survey of applied JS framework shows that 53% of all respondents often used it, 32% planned to get familiar, and 5% of respondents had an experience of using the JS framework. Only 11% of respondents had never heard about it.

React JS has seen an impressive rise to the top, hurdling difficulties and problems while helping some businesses achieve the same goal. Whether it’s mobile application development or a website, React pros, and its emphatic end-products continue to help global businesses expand their user base. 

So what makes big companies such as Netflix, PayPal, Meta (Facebook), and Tesla Motors leverage the framework, and what are the benefits of React JS? Let’s find out.

8 Pros of ReactJS

Top 8 Pros of Using React JS

React JS is a widely used JavaScript library and web development tool that boasts of a new way to render web pages while making them responsive and dynamic to user input and the speed of JavaScript. 

One of the reasons why React JS has garnered such a following is because of its groundbreaking approach when it comes to programming user interfaces. Tools like Angular have maintained a competitive history with React JS. However, like any developing framework, there are advantages of React JS, and here we outline some of them:

#1. Useful Tools That Make Tasks Easier

One of the amazing benefits of React JS is the support and availability of handy tools that make developers’ tasks much easier and comprehensive. With these React Developer tools, users get access to features accessible via Firefox and Chrome dev extension.

What’s more, these tools allow users to inspect and go through the component hierarchies in virtual DOM while being able to choose particular components. Besides, users can also edit and examine the state and props of chosen components.

#2. Very Efficient

React JS is very efficient, and the web applications it helps develop are no different, making it one of the leading web frameworks. Within the React JS web development framework, every time you do a change.

This is important because updating the entire DOM to reactive web pages is both inefficient and resource-consuming. However, with React JS, something impressive happens every time a user’s actions or query triggers the whole virtual DOM.

The React JS memory has two versions of virtual DOM, one of which is updated and the other a copy before that update. The existence of these two versions of virtual DOMs allows React JS to compare the relevant elements and find visible changes. 

This makes it easier for the web framework to keep parts of the real DOM updated. While this process might seem tedious and even time-consuming to newbies, it isn’t when React JS is involved. Optimizing and updating real DOMs in the framework improves a website’s overall efficiency while taking relatively less time, making it very efficient.

#3. React JS is Easy To Use

Another one of the benefits of React JS is that it is easy to learn and use. The framework carries an ample supply of training resources, tutorials, and documentation that developers will find helpful. Developers with a JavaScript background will find it easier to understand and create web applications with React JS in a few days.

React JS has an easy learning curve, making it simple and seamless for developers to feel at home with it. Besides, the tools are open-source, and companies can easily find experienced React JS developers. Want to get to work as fast as possible with React JS? Get even more familiar with JavaScript.

#4. It Is SEO-friendly

JavaScript frameworks are known to have issues when dealing with search engine optimization. In short, search engines have trouble reading apps that rely on JavaScript too much.

However, many web developers report this issue but React JS handles this problem solidly, helping developers navigate different search engines easily. How? This is all down to the fact that React JS apps can run on the server while the virtual DOM renders and returns to the browser as a regular web page.

#5. Reusable Components

One of the more impressive React pros is that web applications it helps build consist of multiple components, and every component has its control and logic. These components cater to and are responsible for outputting a little, reusable piece of HTML code.

Users can then reuse this code whenever they need them, and this reusable code helps make their apps simpler to develop and maintain. You can also nest the components with other relevant components to permit the building of complex apps with simple building blocks.

#6. Impressive Developer Tools

React JS has a lineup of great developers, and as recent tech, it allows users to use them in a development environment. The availability of and use of various tools to design and debug is one of the advantages of React JS.

Some of these React Developer Tools are available for Firefox and Chrome and are browser extensions for React. It allows users to inspect the React component hierarchies in the virtual DOM. 

Users can also select individual components, examine, and edit their current state and properties easily. React Developer Tools are available on the Firefox add-on page, Github, and Chrome store.

#7. More Stable Code

With React JS, you get more stable codes, especially via downward data flow alone. React JS does this so that the parent structure doesn’t get distorted by small changes in the child structure. 

Besides, when it comes to changing an object, developers only have to make changes, modify its states, after which specific components will get updated. This structure that allows for data binding makes sure app performance is smooth, and the code is stable.

#8. React JS Guarantees Faster Rendering

When you put the development of a high-volume application into perspective, the impact of the overall application performance becomes highly essential. New digital platforms and engines don’t guarantee the absence of frustrating hitches.

For starters, this is because document object models are typically tree-structured, so small modifications at the top layer can have a domino effect down to the crossing point. The development team of social media giants Facebook introduced a virtual document object model to curb this issue.

This is now one of the benefits of React JS framework when used for dynamic and high-volume app solutions. It has proven to give users a much better user experience, less time spent, and high application performance. In short, React JS framework guarantees faster rendering.

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Cons Of Using React JS

React JS is arguably the widely used open-source JavaScript Library, helping developers create great web applications that need little coding or effort. While its main objective has always been developing User Interfaces that enhance the speed of apps, it is not without some disadvantages. Here we outline some cons of using React JS:

#1. View Part

React JS covers just the user interface layers of the application. So, developers will need to select some other type of tech to get the complete toolset required to develop their projects.

#2. Improper Documentation

React has loads of libraries and tools that can boost its performance, and React itself gets updated regularly. However, this factor could have both ReactJS pros and cons. 

A major downside is the lack of time to complete documentation due to frequent updates and new releases. This means that developers have only sparse text guides that do not cover the gritty details. Besides, JSX React’s documentation manuals are difficult for newbies to understand

#3. JSX Might Be a Barrier

React JS uses JSX, a syntax extension that permits a fine blend of JavaScript with HTML. Following this approach has its advantages, but the development community widely considers JSX a barrier, and new developers often complain about the complexity of its learning curve.

#4. High Paced Development

The high pace of development within the framework poses ReactJS pros and cons for developers and users. Because the environment is constantly changing at a fast rate, some developers may not be keen on relearning the newer ways of doing things now and then. 

Undoubtedly, having to do so makes it hard to adopt all the relevant changes that come with continuous updates in a high-paced development environment. Not many developers look forward to updating their skills and learning new ways impromptu.

#5. A Narrow Focus on User Interface

We already established that ReactJS is a JavaScript containing many tools needed to create web app UI’s. However, React JS is not an all-in-one tool developers can rely on to create a whole application. 

Therefore, using a model-view-controller or MVC design pattern for web applications means ReactJS will be responsible for just the view. Developers will have to create relevant parts such as the controller and model with the help of extra tools. 

Using ReactJS means you need to integrate extra tools for application programming interfaces (API), routing, and the other bits and parts of your application. That is why developers agree it has a narrow focus on UI, especially since some other JavaScript frameworks are universal and allow for the creation of all MVC pattern elements.

What Is React Native?

React Native is a programming framework that Facebook developed to give developers the ability to create native mobile applications for Android and iOS while using JavaScript. This UI development framework uses similar fundamental building blocks as regular Android and iOS applications, and users piece these blocks together with JavaScript.

With the React Native framework, developers can program apps for Windows, Android, iOS, or Oculus. React Native is similar to React JS because both are based on components that create complete user interfaces when developed. It also has many similarities with the regular React library for mobile devices.

What’s more, developers can easily reuse written codes between platforms such as Android, iOS, and others. Instagram, Uber Eats, Microsoft, Tesla, Skype, and Facebook are some global companies that use React Native in their mobile apps.

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Benefits of React Native

The Most Important Benefits Of React Native

Part of the popularity that React Native enjoys is no doubt down to the fact that it is based on an already notable JavaScript library. React Native provides front-end developers with the opportunity to create and build solid mobile applications. Here are the most important reasons and advantages that make React Native appeal to many developers:

#1. Impressive Performance

Performance-wise, the development community agrees that Native apps are clear of other programming languages. React Native works like native apps, leveraging GPU to speed up applications. React Native applications also have native UI components that combine to improve and enhance customer experience and performance, unlike frameworks like Ionic.

#2. Reusability Of Codes

Code reusability is one of the biggest Native JS pros, and for React Native, it’s no different. React developers don’t have to develop a different mobile application for every platform (iOS or Android). 

This is because they can implement a great deal of the framework via a single code. Doing so saves a lot of time, but it also means they can reuse website application development codes they write in React to create a mobile app.

#3. React Native Is Community-driven

The first thing about open-source platforms or frameworks is that they are accessible to all and foster a community-driven environment. React Native allows developers to gain access to relevant documentation cost-free while openly contributing whenever they need to.

Besides, one of the more reasons people lean towards React Native is the availability of developers to guide newcomers via forum discussions. They review codes or ongoing projects, allowing newbies to give productive feedback fostering a more collaborative experience.

#4. Comprehensive Libraries

One of the benefits of using React Native is that it has comprehensive libraries. Pre-developed user interface components are available with codes already written, and all users need to do is implement them. What’s more, it offers users a variety of libraries to make the whole application development process easier.

#5. Live and Hot Reloading

With live reloading, users get a quick refresh of the code, giving them the best developer experience that most frameworks can’t manage. Live reloading is essential for preserving the local state of the code upon refreshing it.

Hot reloading differs from live reloading in that while live reloads the entire application, hot reload refreshes changed or edited files while still maintaining the original state of the application. 

#6. Flexible Network

Applications that users create and build on React Native can be maintained and used across various platforms, making it a flexible framework and a developer’s delight. When one developer works on a code, others can join in whenever and even begin from where the other developer stopped without any confusion.

React Native developers can easily create test use-cases. The network’s flexibility makes it convenient for React Native developers to upgrade and update mobile apps. In addition, companies who need to move an entire platform to an entirely different framework need only contact React developers to do it.

#7. It Combines Superb With Native Code

When you develop with React Native, you aren’t limited to just building separate applications. Several companies combine React with native code to help and better the existing experience for the present crop of users.

They do this without having to rebuild functional mobile apps. Companies usually begin re-writing their mobile app from native to cross-platform tech when they change their application bit by bit. 

#8. Node Package Manager (NPM) For Installation

Whether you’re a newbie or an experienced developer, we all agree that installation processes can be boring, tedious, and sometimes stressful. But what if it wasn’t? Well, here’s where React Native gets it right.

React Native uses NPM to make the installation process quicker. What’s more, users who have little knowledge of NPM commands can use the React Native framework without a prior knowledge. NPM will give users Node.js while also coming through for users in React Native.

#9. React Native Is Cost-effective

As we’ve mentioned, one of the biggest benefits of React JS and React Native is that you don’t need to write codes for multiple platforms. All codes you write for one platform works well for others and are equally reusable. That alone makes React Native a more affordable choice, and developers can save up almost half of their overall application development expenses.

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Though React JS may be relatively young, the ecosystem backing this JavaScript framework is still compared to much older frameworks like Angular. It features a radical approach to designing UI, introducing reusable components.

Of course, there are the  ReactJS pros and cons and the difficulty of using different methods like MVC. But without a doubt, React is one of those frameworks that experienced developers tend to lean to more.

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